Sunday, July 24, 2016

Duck, Duck, Goose

Played "Hot Potato" and "Duck, Duck, Goose" tonight. Each presented their own challenges. 

Cecily has yet to learn to  count consistently. Counting on her fingers is pretty reliable, but putting a rhyme to counting without much explanation was pretty entertaining, "one potato, two potato, six potato, . . . sixteen!" <runs> <giggles>.  Oliver picked up the song after the first listening, although he frequently skipped people and threw out of order - mostly in a fit of panicked giggles. 

"Duck, duck, goose" was the highlight of my day with the kids. Hearing the anticipation in their voices as they walked around the circle was an endearing grace in a day filled with sometimes very difficult moments. Cecily frequently got up to run out of the room rather than around the circle. Oliver ran around the circle well, so well that he would add another lap. And occasionally excitement would thrill him to the point of running through the circle and Cecily to get up and run out of the room. And of course Mommy (who was holding Andrew) had to be picked as the Goose every other turn. And each time Daddy was picked manages to raise the level excitement to the point of shrieking giggles. What a great blessing it is to have such a sweet family and the chance to spend the Sabbath together!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Oliver's Movie Choice

Oliver: Mom, can I choose a movie?

Mom: Sure, what would you like to watch?

Oliver: I want to watch the one with the girl and the dog.

Mom: Do you mean "Bolt"?

Oliver: No, the other one with a girl and a dog.

Mom: Oh, do you mean "Lady and the Tramp".

Oliver: Yeah! "Lady and the Shrimp"! I want to watch "Lady and the Shrimp"!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Van Conversations

Cecily: I want princess heat!

Oliver: I don't want princess heat, I want cold heat!