Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kiddo Update and Merry Christmas!

Oliver just had his 3rd birthday, celebrating in style with some friends and cake. He has grown out of his toddler phase and appears to be turning into a real life little boy.  Taking in the world of superheros, construction trucks, knights and dragons, soldiers, and especially fishing (in pretend so far) are occupying tasks for Oliver. Time spent daydreaming has increased to an all time high as well as his interest in having friends.

Outgoing and rarely shy, Oliver appears to be taking a different and very loud social approach compared to that of his parents. In his spare time he has perfected a look for future reference entitled "bad guy" (reference photo 1), reminiscent of Zoolander's Magnum. And spends his other spare time as a jack-in-the-box ready to surprise any and all at any turn.

Unfortunately he has developed a condition found often in young children, diagnosed as "ignoring" by his astutely observant attending parents. There have been complications of "forgetfulness" and experts have had difficulty agreeing on one treatment plan for such an intricate diagnosis. Although there is no one antidote, we are hopeful that with time and patience he will be cured.

Oliver now hones his temperament for imagination and musical timing in a creative dance class. We do have hope that these lessons in coordination will reverse the effects of clumsiness that he has inherited from his Mother which has been confirmed on multiple occasions when seen falling from a static and standing position without any aid, except for all of gravity of course.

So many memorable moments are forgotten and so I sigh at my short updates of the kiddos. Although some is better than none, I hope I look back and find it sufficient.

If Oliver is our jabberbox, then Cecily is his parrot.  However, her skills have extended past mimicry into the land of insight. Dad has now become synonymous with "fruit snack" (pronounced with a long "a" found most common on Staten Island).  Her new words are so frequent, from 1-3 a day that it's difficult to recall all that she has learned in one short post.  She enjoys yelling "surprise" along with Oliver, will "Ooooo" and "Ahhhh" over the "lights" decorated on homes for Christmas, and will repeat "Merry Christmas" along with the family. 

She still loves bedtime and will do her best to communicate when she is ready. From undressing herself to pointing to the stairs to saying "bath-time". As she falls asleep she has enjoys playing with her eyelashes.  Stroking them with either her thumb or pointer finger as she dozes off to sleep.  Occasionally I will also receive an eyelash brush, akin to that of an eye poke.

Just this weekend her walking has become more frequent. Although she has been walking for a while and has the coordination necessary, it is just recently that she has felt confident to continue without support.  With much praise given by all, especially Oliver, we have found her walking more regularly by the end of the weekend. Clutching her fists tightly up in the air, and with elbows lifted she stiffly shifts her weight from one foot to the other - awaiting a fall but being pleasantly surprised by her inborn abilities. We love to see her take excitement in her own progression.

Although she is very much still a Mamma's girl we have found that to obtain her decent graces (good would be taking a little far) one must acquire and present a multitude of fruit snacks and candy canes.  Which she will then swallow in large quantities and then take possession of your electronic device, most commonly a smart phone.  Although this method has only been confirmed in one case for the space of one hour and a half, we highly suspect that our efforts to repeat this scenario will be met with success - hopefully . . . very hopefully. Especially since date nights only occur three nights a year given our little one's temperament.

Although she is typically undesirous of outside affection we are happy to be the center of her affection. Cause does this girl love to cuddle or what! Sooo many cuddles does this little bug love that this little bug can never love enough (please excuse my sad and sappy attempt at rhyming).  She'll lay her head right under your chin and the span of her outstretched arms just so happens to fit perfectly the width of Mommy. So really, she was made to cuddle. Of course John and I know that our hugging time is limited with Oliver and Cecily before it becomes somewhat embarrassing (reference photo 2).

We are loving the family life! It is wonderfully simple and peaceful - in the best way possible. We are grateful for the family and friends that we have and often contemplate their generosity and love. And we especially hope that we can pay forward a portion of all the many blessings we have received. As the Christmas season allows for a time to reflect on these people, it also reminds me most obviously of my Savior.  Of His comfort, His peace, and of His desire to give us all that He hath. I love my Savior! I often marvel at the impact He has had on so many and wonder how it is so. And I know that the good that occurs happens because of those that choose to follow His example. I see it so often that I cannot deny it. Even more so - I feel it, in my interactions with others. And I most definitely feel it in my interaction with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He truly is the gift and I hope for all to one day feel of His peace.

Photo 1
Oliver's "Bad Guy" face
Photo 2
Nascent Embarrassment, series 1 . . . of many more to come.

Photo 3
Missy snuggles was unfortunately sick.
Photo 4
"Nascent Sassy-pants", hopefully to not be continued.