Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cecily and Oliver Update

When I think about what I'd like to write on this blog I readily realize that most of it would bore me out of my mind if it weren't about Oliver and Cecily.  However, with that in mind I have to remind myself that I'm writing these updates mostly for myself.  I really do have a horrible memory, and I think it's in part because I don't take time to reflect each day.  I would like to make time to write for the sake of practicing prose, but I'd also like to do a million other things that I unfortunately don't have time for. 

While on my lap the other day Cecily rolled over!  She wanted to see my face and repeatedly rolled over so that she could see me.  That girl really only has eyes for her Mommy right now.  I'm totally flattered, don't get me wrong.  But when you start contemplating putting your baby in the Bjorn just so you can go to the bathroom . . . there may be some other considerations to take. 

Later that day we went out to eat, something we've had to cut down on since John has been in school.  I figure it's for the best in many respects, but I could fill an entire other post on that.  We went to the Golden Dragon, a restaurant that has a little something for everyone.  John get's his orange chicken (which is actually pretty good at this location and not as starchy as most of the other Americanized versions), Oliver get Chinese food which he happens to love, and I got some more authentic dishes that remind me of home. 

Oliver started his meal off pretty respectfully by using his fork and occasionally attempting the use of chopsticks.  And as most good meals go for him, by the end of fifteen minutes of meticulously forking once item at a time into his mouth hunger overcomes his sense of propriety and the novelty of eating again and he begins to literally shovel handfuls of food and rice into his mouth.  That kid really loves rice.

Oliver has also been making leaps and bounds in his language.  We were concerned about his level of language acquisition and had decided that if progress hadn't been made in the next three months that we would have him evaluated for speech therapy.  But as about a month later, and less t.v., he has begun to say a few new words each day.  He now fully counts to three.  He'll sing twinkle twinkle little star with a mixture of sign language and words.  He said owl and another word yesterday that I've already forgotten.  This morning he said call when he asked about his grandparents.  We're so happy to see his progress and he's seems to be pretty excited about it too.