Monday, June 29, 2015

Mattis Park Stroll

When we used to live at Colony West we often took a stroll at Mattis Park. Now that we live further away it was nice to return and enjoy the different garden spaces. Even without a playground the kids had tons of fun looking at the red dirt, variety of flowers, and searching for fish in the lake. 

The lilies were so lovely! Each color of Lilly was so vibrant, especially against the    bright green ground cover. I hadn't been a fan of their leafy stems before but couldn't help but be drawn to their beauty this season. 

Oliver wanted to try and climb the olive tree - which I love for it's knotty and flakey bark and sage colored leaves. He got a couple steps up, a great start to a hopeful future of tree climbing. 

Cecily is always trying to undress, starting with her shoes. 

"Red dirt Mom"!

This little flower thief was too quick for this Momma. Of course it was all for me.

Looking for the fishies! 

The Vocabulary Test


After-later: at a future time. Example, "I'll eat the rest of my dinner after-later". 

Busy: preoccupied. Example, "I can't eat it, my tummy is busy!"

Nap Time

I sat down, turned around, asked Oliver to finish his food, and the next thing I knew .  . . was that it was nap time!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Recent Favorites

Get this girl an agent already!
Typical expressions found at the Gough house.
Oliver pew-pew-pewing Daddy. And Mommy no-sho-shooting.
It's hard to tell long silences when vacuuming. Hence make-up massacre 2015.
I oftentimes find myself amazed at how much chocolate can travel across this boy's clothing in 2 minutes without moving. 

Love being home with these kiddos. 

Over It

This is an exercise in close observation. After hysterical screaming and taking her underclothes off I put the fleece lion costume back on in 90* humid weather and we all got in the car. 

Here she may seem to have fallen back into a comfortable slumber. But if you look closely (and know a little of her personality) you'll notice she is actually expressing a variety of emotions. Sort of an "I love you, but it's complicated ... don't touch my lion costume again - please". 

And then she's over it. Kind of. 

Where Do Babies Come From and Other Oliver Questions

Oliver: . . . but where do babies come from Mom?

Me: Well you'll find a girl one day, get married, and find out. 

Oliver: Hmm, you make 'em out of playdough and then bake 'em in the oven. 

Me: Who told you that?!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Because it would be annoying to make everything my kids say into a Facebook status I figured it would be best to write their thought provoking comments here on my blog to relieve this urge I have to share every last minute detail of my children's lives with the world.

Yesterday while driving Cecily said the following in descriptive surprise, "Bubble-fart! Bubble-fart!" I stopped mid-conversation with John to turn around to find out if she meant what she said. But of course she did! With wide eyes she was pointing downward. It's always fun to see the excitement of your child's first experience with a bubble-fart.

Then while sitting here at the dinning table Oliver lay deeply asleep on the couch. Cecily had since woken up from her nap and was squealing and poking him in the face, and occasionally placing a witch hat on his messy bed head.  He didn't even flinch. Not until it was silent did he within an instant roll off the couch onto his feet, walked steadily over to me and said without hesitation, "I want some pizza". Somehow I feel that this is an omen, or foreshadowing of what is to come.