Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cecily Update

Here are the deets on little Cecily.  Boring for others I'm sure, but something I'd like to have recorded.

09/03/13  7.81 lbs    62%tile
10/10/13  11.06 lbs  76%tile
10/30/13  13.4 lbs    92%tile
12/19/13  15.12 lbs  78%tile

09/03/13  20 in         68%tile (they must have measured wrong because she was 21.5 inches at birth)
10/10/13  22.25 in    82%tile
12/19/14 25.75 in     97%tile

1. Little Sis, Little C (according to Grandpa Allen), Cessy, and Little Miss-Miss loves her Mama!
2. Little Miss-Miss loves her Mama so much she won't go to anyone else, can't be put down and is attached to my hip, and even cries at the sight of new people (even familiar recently). 
3. Still loves piano music, especially Mozart.
4. Is a bit of a drama queen. 
5. Thinks her brother is pretty funny, especially when he jumps.
6. Makes plenty of smiles and gurgles and has recently taken up talking in her sleep.

Happy 2nd Birthday Oliver

Oliver had his 2nd birthday December 7th, 2013.  He had a few friends over to celebrate and watch Monsters University.  They made monster hats, MU ID cards, and played in the little ball pit he got for his birthday.  Here are few things about Oliver at age 2:

1. Likes the color blue.
2. Enjoys playing with bubbles.
3. Still obsessed with Itsy Bitsy Spider.
4. Also obsessed with Winnie the Pooh movie and Sword in the Stone.
5. Still loves This is The Way By Charles Fuge, and loves his Curious George book.
6. Loves to dance and jump up in the air.
7. Likes to dance to the Moreska.
8. Weighs 31 lbs. (90% %tile) and is 35.75 inches tall (83.65 %tile).
9. Loves to give kisses and wave hi to strangers.
10. Can be bribed to say new words with chips and mini M&Ms.
11. Will say the sounds for letters and recognizes the letters of the alphabet.
12. Loves to play ball.
13. Loves Cecily and is very protective of her. 

Oliver really is a sweet little boy and seems to care deeply about others.  He rarely exhibits poor behavior.  When misunderstood he will continually repeat until understood, shout "no", or move onto something else.  Hitting has been an issue as of late, however we've figured out that he has learned this from other kids that like to invite play by slapping or pushing him.  He's beginning to understand the difference between rough housing and slapping when it is unwanted.  If we say "ouch" or "no" he'll stop himself or give a kiss to say sorry.  He has also recently been asking to have Cecily share his crib with him at night.  Each night I have to tell him she's too little to sleep with him.  I really can't wait to see how their relationship and brother and sister develop.  Happy Birthday to this sweet little guy!