Thursday, November 5, 2015

Homer Lake

Trying to enjoy the Autmnal weather and landscape before it all dies and turns an ugly grey. Just trying to keep positive about the upcoming winter months.

Lunch before we set out.

Throwing leaves into the waterfall feature.

Spent some time at the sand pit and naturescape.

Watching and poking things.

Probably the most exciting part of Oliver's day was to watch this elderly couple fish. They were patient enough to field all his of his questions. He'd stop and watch, and ask a question. Then bolt around to a different part of the dock, and ask another question. Then dash over to the equipment to inspect it - and ask another question. Look, bolt, ask question was the pattern for about 30 minutes. Occasionally there'd be a jump, pose, and shout of excitement. But really there just wasn't enough time to rotate this sequence in with all that was going on, as shown in the following pictures:

Cecily happily took to fishing as well. 

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