Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kiddo Update

Baby Girl
- Sits up, scoots on her back, rolls this way and that way, and can now assume crawling position and has found herself to be crawling backwards.
- Shakes her head "no" for fun.  Shakes her head "no" as she falls asleep.  Shakes her head "no" when she no longer wants to eat.  I'm not sure if this has implications upon her future teenage demeanor.
- Enjoys banging items together and has surprised me with the meticulous use of her fine motor skills in her fascination with items by stroking and feeling each individual part. Attention to detail this one.
- Has attempted to mimic my "Mama" sounds.  Which sound out as "yaya" due to her cute chubby face pulling her mouth tightly into a smile.
- Oh, and it turns out that she's still pretty chubby.  For some unknown reason I thought she had fallen in the percentiles and was more around the mid-range. But recent measurements reveal that she is still in the whopping 90th-95th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference. NBD we make big babies. I can just imagine the family photos fifteen years from now - me standing and everyone else sitting so as to not draw attention to their dwarf of a Mother.

Little Boy
- Is very particular about his crib arrangements. Pillow must be placed at the end of the crib - logical of course. But then it gets a little more hairy. The tub of cars must be placed to his left by his shoulder.  The smaller tub of airplanes must then be placed on the left as well, below the cars by his hips. Don't worry, it only gets better. His monkey, puppy, and baby must then be placed on his pillow by his head to the left (puppy will occasionally be placed under the blankets with him). His Monster or frog blanket must then be placed on him, cover his feet, but not cross the DMZ barrier which is not clearly marked and subject to change but usually down the center of the crib. His milk must be a perfect 88 degrees and warm enough to feel through the bottle to hold onto as he falls asleep.
- Has learned from unknown sources to stand upon stages, pedestals, chairs, tables, any high platform and recite his ABCs. 
- Enjoys puzzles, balls, reading, trucks, planes, trains, singing, jumping, and sword fighting.

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