Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kiddo Update

- 63% for weight, 96% for height, 94% for head size.
- Loves to say "hi". She's comfortable saying "hi" to plenty of people but cries at the moment anyone looks as if they intended to hold her.
- Is not one to get into a screaming match with (Oliver unintentionally got into one with her today). She will tear you (and your eardrums) apart. Side note: I'm not sure why are children are so loud, John and I are typically quiet talkers and aren't really yellers.
- Turns out to be quite competitive (John and I are not). I accidentally got into a breathing contest today. She escalated her breathing rhythm at lightening pace, just as she does her screaming.
- Enjoys having the house to herself (well I was with her of course).  She's very content to crawl around the house and play independently.

- Will now bow after a performance of a song from his repertoire and say "Thank you, thank you".
-  When asked to say "please" will occasionally go through all his polite words in order to save time saying, "please, thank you, good bye".
- Still loves Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
- Started a Kindermusik class today, and loved it!
- Is often the life of the party. He is always looking for friends to play with. And will often attempt to make friends with any little kid he sees. A common phrase heard is, "Hi boys!".
- Currently maintaining his tall, dark, and handsome quota.
- "Scary" has often become synonymous with "I don't want to".
- When entering the car will ask to go to Grandma/Grandpa's house or the zoo.
- Will often tell us that he is bigger and taller and no longer needs to sleep to continue to grow into a healthy boy. Also, that he is now bigger and taller than Dad.

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