Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sweet Corn Festival

Messy corn face.

Awesome tiger painted by our neighbor Joy at her face-painting booth.

For the last weekend of John's break (all two wonderful weeks) we made an excursion to the sweet corn festival in Urbana on Saturday.  And we were pleasantly surprised!  The festival was a mere ten minutes away, parking was free and across the street.  Entrance was also free, each booth was easily accessible, the temperature had dropped to something much more mild and bearable, and there was plenty of seating available to take time to munch on our reasonably priced goodies.  

It was a nice evening out as a family and I have to say that I was truly ecstatic about Oliver getting painted.  He would look down at it intermittently and make his raspy Tiger call.  "Roar" he would say, and John and I roared back in response.  Praising him with our smiles for attributing the right call to the animal on his knee.  

I recalled to John that as a kid, face-painting was always the best part to any outdoor festival.  I remembered getting a butterfly painted as a kid and refusing to wash it from my face upon returning home that evening.  Not until the morning did I concede to my Mom that it was fading and no longer in the shape of a butterfly, but blotches of paint in pink and purple that I reluctantly washed from my face.

Although festivals have their downsides, like the drunken lady badgering me for eating a pulled pork sandwich instead of the fried fish from the stand she was sitting next to and the crowds the Sweet Corn Festival was a success!

1 comment:

  1. I love the images you put in your writing. I laughed when I read about Oliver making the sound of a tiger and you having smeared paint on your face.
